Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

The last day of 2010 - where did this year go?  It has been a whirlwind of change for me.  I completed my medical coding certification, got a new job and started yoga teacher training.  All things that have been on my to-do list for quite some time.  Goals for 2011?  First and foremost is to complete the teacher training program.  I am also itching to do some traveling and possibly a yoga retreat.  These things are a work in progress.

What is on your agenda for 2011?


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Snow and Yoga

Snow and more snow.  It's been snowing in Central Virginia for almost 24 hours now.  Snow makes me lazy.  I live in a neighborhood that is neglected by the city snow plows so getting out to the main road is a challenge.  So I stay inside and glued to the couch.  Not a good thing for days on end.  Knowing that it would be a winter wonderland when I woke this morning I made a deal with myself.  The VERY first thing I would do is a 60 minute practice.  That is not normally my routine on the weekends and WOW did it make a difference. I feel amazing and my day has just flowed since.  

I am contemplating a New Years Intention that involves getting up a little early and sneaking a practice in before work.  I used to do this every day, but since my hours changed and I need to be at work by 7:30 I let it go.  I think this would be a good thing to consider for the new year.

Do you have some intentions for the new year?


Saturday, December 25, 2010


Happy Holidays!

December has been crazy.  I would have posted earlier this month, but I was without internet for a week.  And then it was the holidays and everything goes sideways.  Alas, I'm back and focused again.

December's teacher training focused on simple backbends and twists.  Why they use the word "simple" is beyond me because they aren't!  And the twists were unbelievable.  My teacher was right when she said that most people think twists are easy because they just throw themselves into them.  Done correctly they are very challenging. I was extremely sore after the weekend, but felt a great sense of accomplishment.

I have another week to think about my yogic goals for 2011.  Obviously top on the list is to complete the training, but I also need to think about what comes after that.

I hope you had a wonderful Holiday.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Peace on the Inside

A rainy weekend here in Virginia.  For some reason the rain can actually make me anxious sometimes. This weekend is one of those times.  I feel the need to do "something" when there really isn't anything that needs to be done.  I've practiced asana both days; my homework is done; errands are finished; the house is clean.  It's obvious that the "thing" that needs doing is calming the mind.  And I should probably throw myself into that because the next few weeks are going to be hectic with teacher training followed by a trip to Illinois.

I know that I have the power to create my own peace. We all do!


Sunday, December 5, 2010


Hello All -

It's been a calm few days since I posted last.  I'm slowly making my way through my homework and trying to schedule some worthwhile time on the mat.  I did attend a great Level 2 class last Monday and was able to practice Pincha Mayurasana with great success!  Alas, maybe inversions are for me.

This week will include finishing my Sarvangasana teaching script and starting my Sirsasana sequencing assignment.  No worries there!  I feel confident I'll be able to knock them both out by this time next week.

I hope all is calm in your world.
