Sunday, January 16, 2011

#365Yoga Day 16 - Sweet Savasana

I've come to the conclusion that the sweetest savasana is on the Sunday of a teacher training weekend.  I literally melt through the mat and onto the floor!!  Today was no exception.  Our instructor took us through a beginner's class this morning and it was surprisingly difficult.  It taught me that Beginner does not translate into Easy!

I really enjoyed this weekend's training.  This is by far the best I've felt after the three day practice.  I am not sore nor am I overly tired.  I think it helped that I didn't push myself and that I went to bed super early every night!

Judith's entry for today states that yoga doesn't solve our problems.  Though I agree with that statement I do feel that yoga goes a long way to helping us address our problems from a place of peace and equanimity.  By incorporating the tools of yoga into our daily lives I believe only good can result.  With a calm body and mind we are better able to "respond" rather than "react" when problems arise.

How has yoga helped you deal with your problems?



  1. Nice thoughts today!

    Using yoga off the mat is the best help ever, patience, stamina, concentration....the list goes on forever.

  2. Thank you ma'am! It was a great weekend and I'm still riding the yogic high. :)
