Monday, April 25, 2011

#365Yoga Day 115 - Meditation with Swami Ken

Today I had the privilege to sit with Swami Ken (pictured above).  He's in town for a few days and has a two day workshop scheduled at the new yoga studio I've been visiting.  I decided to leave work early this afternoon to make the 2:30 session.  We immediately went into a 60 minute meditation.  Normally I can sit comfortably for 30 minutes so you can imagine this was stretching my comfort zone.  On top of that it was 85 degrees in the room.  Yes, that was the actual temperature reading on the thermostat.  That added an element I wasn't prepared to deal with.  But I did deal.  Today's experience was uncomfortable and enjoyable all at the same time.  I was able to really practice letting go and being with what was.  Could I change the length of the sit or the temperature in the room; nope!  Sure, I could have gotten up and left, but what's that say?  I don't want to just quit when the going gets tough.  So I sat there.  I sat there and focused on my breath and let go of my expectations of the afternoon and let the sweat trickle down my back. I moved quietly when my back started to ache or my foot fell asleep.  No, it wasn't an ideal situation, but I survived and I did it with a calm mind.  I love when the practice takes on this kind of edge.  I was pushed this afternoon and I felt the benefits of my daily meditation practice because I didn't buckle.

Don't give in to the ego when it tells you something is too difficult or you can't do it.  Stick it out!  You'll be happy you did.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

#365Yoga Day 107 - Week in Review

Om Shanti!

What an awesome week of yoga for me.  I set out to try new things and I succeeded.  I think I'm starting to create some new patterns and habits in terms of my practice and I'm excited about where it's taking me.

On Wednesday I tried a new studio and a new teacher.  This studio is offering a 5 class for $25 deal for new students.  That was a no brainer!  And because they offered a much loved Yin class right after work on Wednesday I really couldn't resist.  They are called Om on Yoga and have a very nice boutique, tea bar and studio space.  I think I found a new love.  Check them out if you come to Richmond!

Saturday afternoon I attended a three hour restorative workshop with Annie Carpenter.  What a wonderful experience!  Annie has such a compassionate approach to her asana practice.  She led us through a well rounded session that left me feeling relaxed and enlivened at the same time!

The goal for the coming week is to try another new class at Om and to get on my mat daily!

Best wishes for a yoga-filled week!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

#365 Yoga Day 102 – Shamatha

The meditation technique that Cyndi Lee taught us this past weekend was new to me.  And something that I plan to take on.  I find it particularly challenging because the eyes are open and focused about five feet in front of you.  She suggests keeping your gaze soft and wide without going fuzzy.  You’re to think of your vision as being panoramic. 

The breath in this technique is not your primary focus.  Cyndi states you should only place about 25% of your attention there.  Let your awareness of your mind extend out to your environment.  This is really tough for me because I have a tendency to attach onto sounds and smells. 

Another new component for me is naming your thoughts “thinking”.  I’ve mainly practiced with a mantra so I need to re-program my brain to include “thinking” as part of the practice.  She stressed that when you find yourself wandering and noting you’re thinking you need to do this in a compassionate way.  Don’t scold yourself for having a thought (or many).  This straying of thoughts is part of the practice and every moment offers a chance at a fresh start.  I love that! 

If you want to learn more about this technique and the other wonderful things Cyndi has to offer please check out her book Yoga Body, Buddha Mind.  I highly recommend it!


Monday, April 11, 2011

#365Yoga Day 101 - Gratitude

I know I've written a blog about gratitude before but I think it's important to mention again.  Whenever I come back from a few days at Yogaville I have a different perspective on things.  I feel more grounded and focused and it gives way to reflection.  I will be honest that I had a really tough time getting up and going to my cube this morning.  I think I've mentioned that I find my job about as exciting as watching paint dry.  But before I descended down that slippery slope of yuck, I stopped myself this morning and thought of some positive things that my job offers me.  For one it paid for my recent trip to practice with Cyndi Lee.  That alone is worth sooo much gratitude!!  But I don't want to stop there.  Obviously, it provides me food and shelter and healthcare.  It allows me to drive a relatively new car and to maintain that car.  I was reminded of that when I came home to a personal property tax bill in the mail.  I took a moment and gave thanks for the job that allows me to write a check for this bill and still eat!  So maybe the job isn't so terrible.  The good really does outweigh the bad.  I think that might be said for a lot of things in life.  We just need to take time and put them into perspective.  I know this can be hard for me to do at times.  But as I continue to deepen my meditation practice I'm finding it easier to slow down and really look at things.  I'm grateful for that too.

What are you grateful for?


Sunday, April 10, 2011

#365Yoga Day 100 - YOGAVILLE

Yes, you read that right - Yogaville.  For those of you not familiar with the Satchidananda Ashram please check it out here:  This past weekend was my fourth visit, but my first workshop.  And what a workshop.  I had the honor of spending three days with Cyndi Lee!!!  What an amazing experience.  I was first introduced to Cyndi's work over 10 years ago from my very first teacher.  My teacher actually had to order my Om Yoga box for me because that was in the age before Amazon!!  So I credit Cyndi with starting my home practice. Without her I don't know that it would have taken off like it did.  Please check out Cyndi and all that Om Yoga has to offer.  I hope to take another workshop with her in the year or so.


Friday, April 1, 2011

#365Yoga Day 91 - Going deeper

This week I have really delve into yogic philosophy.  I started reading the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and find it fascinating.  I was under the impression that most texts on yoga followed the precepts set down by Patanjali.  The Pradipika clearly discounts the yamas and niyamas as needing to be done first and states that "experience has taught us that in order to practice yama and niyama, discipline and self-control, a certain quality of mind is needed.....therefore, before you try to practice self-discipline and self-control, you must also prepare yourself."  I'm looking forward to reading more and learning how to clear the pranas and control the mind.

I'll keep you posted on what I learn!