Monday, April 25, 2011

#365Yoga Day 115 - Meditation with Swami Ken

Today I had the privilege to sit with Swami Ken (pictured above).  He's in town for a few days and has a two day workshop scheduled at the new yoga studio I've been visiting.  I decided to leave work early this afternoon to make the 2:30 session.  We immediately went into a 60 minute meditation.  Normally I can sit comfortably for 30 minutes so you can imagine this was stretching my comfort zone.  On top of that it was 85 degrees in the room.  Yes, that was the actual temperature reading on the thermostat.  That added an element I wasn't prepared to deal with.  But I did deal.  Today's experience was uncomfortable and enjoyable all at the same time.  I was able to really practice letting go and being with what was.  Could I change the length of the sit or the temperature in the room; nope!  Sure, I could have gotten up and left, but what's that say?  I don't want to just quit when the going gets tough.  So I sat there.  I sat there and focused on my breath and let go of my expectations of the afternoon and let the sweat trickle down my back. I moved quietly when my back started to ache or my foot fell asleep.  No, it wasn't an ideal situation, but I survived and I did it with a calm mind.  I love when the practice takes on this kind of edge.  I was pushed this afternoon and I felt the benefits of my daily meditation practice because I didn't buckle.

Don't give in to the ego when it tells you something is too difficult or you can't do it.  Stick it out!  You'll be happy you did.


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