Monday, April 11, 2011

#365Yoga Day 101 - Gratitude

I know I've written a blog about gratitude before but I think it's important to mention again.  Whenever I come back from a few days at Yogaville I have a different perspective on things.  I feel more grounded and focused and it gives way to reflection.  I will be honest that I had a really tough time getting up and going to my cube this morning.  I think I've mentioned that I find my job about as exciting as watching paint dry.  But before I descended down that slippery slope of yuck, I stopped myself this morning and thought of some positive things that my job offers me.  For one it paid for my recent trip to practice with Cyndi Lee.  That alone is worth sooo much gratitude!!  But I don't want to stop there.  Obviously, it provides me food and shelter and healthcare.  It allows me to drive a relatively new car and to maintain that car.  I was reminded of that when I came home to a personal property tax bill in the mail.  I took a moment and gave thanks for the job that allows me to write a check for this bill and still eat!  So maybe the job isn't so terrible.  The good really does outweigh the bad.  I think that might be said for a lot of things in life.  We just need to take time and put them into perspective.  I know this can be hard for me to do at times.  But as I continue to deepen my meditation practice I'm finding it easier to slow down and really look at things.  I'm grateful for that too.

What are you grateful for?


1 comment:

  1. So wise, changing perspectives can make massive shifts in your life :)
