Saturday, January 15, 2011

#365Yoga Day 15 - Holy Urdhva Dhanurasana!

WOW - an intense practice today with our peak pose being Urdhva Dhanurasana.  All in all I think I did pretty well.  My left shoulder continues to be a problem, but I listened to my body and stopped when I'd gone far enough.  And again I'm feeling great this evening and don't need any Aleve!  The afternoon focused on sequencing and that was very interesting and showed that there's so much to consider when putting together a class.  I really enjoyed that!

Judith's entry today was to feel what you're feeling.  I kept that in the forefront of my mind when I was going through the practice and it helped keep me present.  It was interesting to just recognize and be with my aversion to Parivrtta Parsvakonasana!

Tomorrow we're going to work on teaching beginners.  I'm thinking it's time she gets us in front of the whole class to teach.  UGH!!



  1. Enjoying going through TT with you, Kathryn. You bring a smile and much heart to us. Hope the shoulder is good. Am tight but well-worn for an evening of good rest, I hope. See you tomorrow.

  2. Just stumbled across your blog. Thank you for sharing your journey through teacher training.

    Like you, I appreciated the January 15th entry, "Feel what you are feeling." I felt exhausted and while I still did a short yoga practice, I didn't overextend myself and reminded myself to continue to breathe.
