Monday, August 30, 2010


I've been participating in The Chopra Center's 21-Day Meditation Challenge since August 12th.  It's been a great experience and I look forward to hearing Davidji's voice in my headphones everyday.  Day 18's meditation really resonated with me and I thought I'd share.  This meditation focused on transformation.  Davidji broke it down into three parts:  Action - Memory - Desire.  You need to change your DESIRE in order to make changes in your life.  He suggests asking yourself three things before you sit down to meditate:  Who am I?  What do I want? What is my purpose?

Are you ready to be transformed?  Listen to the meditation here.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

What's in a name?

What a busy few weeks!  I haven't spent nearly enough time studying as I would have liked.  But I'm slowly compiling a nice stack of flash cards to help me learn the Sanskrit names of the asanas.  I have to admit this is a daunting task for me!  Thankfully Alanna Kaivalya wrote a wonderful book that is helping.  In the Myths of the Asanas Alanna shares the ancient story behind each asana and its corresponding movement.  Buy this book!  Understanding the history of the poses can deepen your practice and in my case help me memorize the Sanskrit names.  Check it out:  Myths of the Asanas

Thursday, August 12, 2010

What is Yoga?

So what is yoga?  I have to answer that question as part of my first homework assignment for my teacher training class.  I think the average Westerner would define it as a new age calisthenics routine that if done on a regular basis can give you an amazing butt!  This same person probably doesn't know that the so-called calisthenic postures are but one "limb" of the yogic practice.

The eight traditional limbs of Ashtanga Yoga practice are:  Yamas - Niyamas - Asanas - Pranayama - Pratiyahara - Dhanana - Dhyana - Samadhi.  The ten attributes, the Yamas and Niyamas, are usually thought of as the ethical precepts that act as the foundation of all the teachings of yoga.

Part of my goal through my training is to adopt these precepts into my everyday life.

Back to the question though - what is yoga?  To me it is the process of connecting the breath, the mind and the body in order to develop an awareness of our true Self and how that Self is connected to all living beings.

What is Yoga to you?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Yoga Teacher Training

I was officially accepted into the Yoga Works 200 hour Teacher Training program one week ago.  Since that time I've made a myriad of to-do lists (because as a Type-A Obsessive Compulsive person that is what I do best!).  My top five things to do before I begin class on September 24th include (but are not limited to):

  1. Memorize the 8 limbs of yoga
  2. Memorize the Gunas
  3. Memorize the Klesas
  4. Create Asana flashcards that include the Sanskrit and English definitions
  5. And...should time permit....learn all the bones/muscles in the body (HA!)
So welcome to my journey.  I look forward to sharing with you what I learn and my attempts to apply these yogic principles to my everyday life.
