Tuesday, January 25, 2011

#365Yoga Day 25

Well I want to first congratulate myself for getting on the mat this morning before work.  It wasn’t much, just a few sun salutations, but I believe a little yoga can go a long way.   And instead of pushing myself into chaturanga at 6:15am I decided to try a new approach (for me!) and do some baby cobras.  My body thanked me.  It’s amazing when you finally quiet the mind and listen to the body.  It is obvious that I have not been doing a good job at this.  I guess I felt that I could push through discomfort and that I would certainly be better off for it.  Not true.  I have done more damage physically and mentally with that mind-set.  I think this morning was a testament that I can feel just as good with baby cobras as I can with full-on chaturangas.  

Does it count as meditation if you do it on the massage table?  I had the most amazing massage tonight.  My masseuse is so knowledgeable and so willing to share that knowledge my sessions are almost like anatomy lessons.  I learned that my new year's weight training intention is freaking out my shoulders and quads.  Hmmm....maybe this is another lesson in listening to my body when it asks me to please stop lifting that damn weight!!

What nice things have you done for your body lately?



  1. that is an excellent question! i haven't done enough things for my body lately...been taking it for granted. kundalini tomorrow will be the first celebration. :)
