Tuesday, February 1, 2011

#365Yoga Day 32 - Adapt

I know this pic doesn't have a thing to do with yoga, but it makes me smile.  How can you not love that face?!

Okay, back to yoga.  Judith's entry for the 1st day of February (how did we get here?!) is about adaptability and letting life and yoga flow through you.  I think I did this pretty well today in my 45 minute practice.  I did a Power Flow class through yogadownload that wanted you to hold plank for long periods of time.  Well I've been having some shoulder issues as of late, and instead of doing what I was told I adjusted (adapted) my practice so I wasn't feeling any pain. Normally I would berate myself for not following directions, but I'm slowing changing that thought pattern (nasty samskara!) and listening to my body.  By letting go and doing what felt right I enjoyed my practice so much more today.

I hope you have enjoyed your first day of February and if you are in one of the 30+ states with weather issues I am truly sorry.  Here in Central VA it is 50 degrees.  Don't hate us!



  1. Learning how to listen to your body is a huge accomplishment. Well done! :) I'm still working on it, but I expect good things. :P

  2. Oh,I think the doggie IS yoga! What a darling picture, such sweetness.

    OM Shanti ♥
