Sunday, February 13, 2011

#365Yoga Day 44 - Forward Bends

Well I had another "ah ha" moment today in training.  It came when I realized that once again I've been doing poses incorrectly.  I can't go down nearly as far as I thought I could in a bend if I want to maintain the integrity of my lumbar spine.  Duh!  I learned about the importance of the shoulder girdle in bends and how most folks just plow right into the pose and don't realize the potential damage they're doing.  Today was a practice in patience and being with myself and understanding that sometimes we need to take a few steps back to make forward progress.

On a different note I'd like to make an announcement.  My wonderful teacher training buddy Clair (check her out at Own Your Backbone) and I have decided to do a 21-day detox.  Part of our training this weekend was a discussion on Ayurveda and I think we both got inspired to take our practice to the next level.  SO.....without further ado I would like to announce our start date....drum roll please....Tuesday, February 15th.  I do all this because I've read that people are more likely to follow through on things if more people know about it.  I guess it's that feeling of accountability!  Clair and I have already established a diet plan and decided to be in touch daily to motivate each other.  Has anyone done a 3 week detox before; if so can you pass along some tips and suggestions??  Any advice or feedback would be welcome!


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