Thursday, February 3, 2011

#365Yoga Day 34

Today I tried to practice mindfulness and loving kindness toward myself.  Tough work for someone who has trouble sitting in meditation for longer that 20 minutes.  But I kept coming back to it as much as I could and I think that helped keep me centered and focused.  I also printed out this wonderful list from Kimberly Wilson's Tranquility du Jour website.  I love her blogs.  She sends great inspiration just when I need it.  And she keeps me motivated to be creative.

My yoga practice was good today.  I stopped when my shoulders asked me to and went on to do some forward bends and twists.  Instead of trying to figure out what's next, by listening to my body I just know where to go.

I hope your Thursday was a good one.


  1. Tias Little talks about meditation and says that if you can sit and meditate for 5 mintues you are doing well. It is called a "practice" because it takes that. We are humans and our minds travel the globe every second... give yourself a break. More importantly: give yourself a pat on the back for starting the process of calming that mental travel. You are one step ahead of the pack!

  2. Thank you! I do try to give myself a break, but for a Type A Personality that's tough work. But that's why we practice, right? Namaste'
